seven day no yelling guide


We are excited to introduce a quick-read guide that we have created to help you in your journey to great emotional health. It is our ‘Seven-Day No-Yelling Guide, an ebook for moms and caregivers.

The guide started with a challenge within our tribe of women, encouraging each other not to yell at our spouse and children for seven days. Several moms wanted to continue the challenge and needed help along the way. So, we created a guide.

In this guide, you will learn how the hormones in a woman’s body regulate her emotional health. Also, you will understand better alternatives to stress management.

By putting the magnifying lens on ourselves, we see how to sharpen our parenting skills and be a better companion.

Complete the challenge, Change your family life! For help along the way, you are welcome to join our tribe of women.


Fill out the contact form, and it will be delivered straight to your inbox. We are excited about your own life-changing story 😉

Day #2:

“A parent with fight reaction screams and sometimes sobs in frustration; a
parent with flight response says, “I don’t have time for this. I’ll deal with this
later”…and it piles up. The latter used to be me. The next time you feel the
urge to yell, ask yourself why you yell? Is it because you grew up hearing your
parents yell at you? Is it your body’s way of dealing with a perceived threat?
What are you afraid of? Take the time to think about how you respond to stress
– physically, psychologically, and even spiritually. Before you react, respond

2 thoughts on “NO YELLING GUIDE [NEW e-Book]”

    1. Thank you for sharing this info. It is important to be patient with ourselves when we try the no-yelling challenge. At the end of the day, it is about becoming a better version of ourselves so we can raise and build our families intentionally. – WMIM team.

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