Family & Community Medicine
There is a tribe of women in family and community medicine. They care about the prescriptions and medications we take, and how they affect our health.
A prescription like Tylenol or Advil are generally for the treatment of headache. However, there may be holistic ways to treat the headache. Perhaps your body is alerting you to lack of sleep or an incoming period. Listen to your body for cues, and when in doubt, seek second opinion.
Certified Health Professionals
Are you a certified health professional? We would like to hear from you. You are welcome to join our growing list of professionals who assist women going through emotional and mental health issues.
Improve Your Life
Improving your life starts with writing down your vision for your family. What are some things you want to change? What do you want to improve? What do you want to keep constant?
First step to improvement is first acknowledging that a particular area needs to be better. You may not be able to change everything at once; but you can choose one thing, such as bedtime routine, keeping your office and mental space tidy, etc.