Lead By Example – Parenting Intentionally.

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Lead By Example – Parenting Intentionally

Is it true that actions speak louder than words?

Our children are watching what we do. A good rule of thumb is to lead by example and teach by actions. Some kids learn by demonstration, by watching than taking notes or discipline.

What ways do your children learn? How can you show them the right to do – especially when they make mistakes?

Ways to Lead by Example as a Parent.

  1. Model what we say. For example, when you tell a preschooler to lay his bed, show him each morning. You lay your bed. Then show him first how to lay his bed before enforcing consequences or rewarding his obedience to your instructions.
  2. Rewards. You know what incentives your child loves. Incentives are motivation, such as candy, new toy, a special time together, or a gift.
  3. Words. Be careful what you say. Leading by example means that we do not just say, we DO as we SAY. As caregivers, guardians, or parents, we can use our words to build the little ones and encourage them.
  4. Fun. Yes! How about a little fun! Life is not all about work. All work and no play is NO fun. Let’s show them the adventurous side of life.

What are some ways you have led your kids by example?

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